We are building expertise amongst the next generation of infectious disease modellers, and preparing them for careers in academia, industry, and the public sector.
The intended audience is mathematical epidemiologists and dynamic modelers for infectious diseases, health and health care seeking to learn about emerging methods and tools, based on applied category theory, for constructing large-scale models efficiently, reliably, and modularly. Experience with standard mathematical infectious disease models (e.g., compartmental, stock and flow, agent-based, stochastic), as well as programming experience in a language such as Julia, Python, or R, will be helpful. Specific prior knowledge of applied category theory or the Julia programming language will not be assumed.
Purpose: to compare models, identify key unknown parameters, and determine how much they affect key outcomes.
The MAGPIE group at SFU is seeking a senior scientist/research software developer to lead and support the development and implementation of mathematical methods in infection and evolution. Key thematic areas for this work will include genomic epidemiology, phylogenetics, phylodynamics, stochastic simulation models and related mathematical and statistical methods, particularly as these relate to pathogens.
The University of Guelph invites applications for an NSERC CRC Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Epidemiology and Spatial Transmission Modeling in the Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College. This position is part of a cluster hire in One Health, which includes two other Tier 2 Chairs. Tier 2 CRCs, tenable for five years and renewable once, are for emerging researchers acknowledged by their peers as world-class.